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Article: Hair care myths busted - What you really need to know?

Hair care myths busted - What you really need to know?
Hair Care

Hair care myths busted - What you really need to know?

What are some of the hair care myths you've encountered that have influenced your hair care routine? How did you come to believe that these myths are true?

Are you currently practicing any of these myths?

In today's blog I'll be revealing to you some of the myths about hair care that you might have fallen for and what you really need to do to achieve healthy tresses.

You'll be shocked when you realize how you've been practicing some of these myths unknowingly.

So What are Hair care myths?

Hair care myths refer to widely held beliefs or ideas about hair care that are not supported by scientific evidence or are inaccurate.

These myths can mislead you and even lead you to engaging in ineffective or damaging hair care practices.

One of these myths is that brushing your hair 100 times a day makes it healthy.

Funny isn't it?

Well this is just one out of many myths I'll be revealing to you in this blog.

But come to think of it, why do people believe these myths or should I say why do you believe these myths are true?

6 reasons why people believe hair care myths are true:

  • Lack of understanding about hair biology and
  • Misinterpretation of personal
  • Cultural or societal beliefs or
  • Misinformation from social media and the
  • Desperation for a quick
  • Misleading marketing claims or advertising

Some of these hair care myths have been cultivated in your subconscious from a very tender age and you've grown to believe and at times practice them.

9 hair care myths you might be practicing that can damage your hair

Get ready to discover some of the myths you're currently engaging in that are injurious to your hair and find out how to correct this anomaly.


Myth 1: Brushing your hair 100 times a day makes it healthy:

Have you heard of this before? Were you told something like this at some point in life?

Many people believe that brushing their hair excessively will make it healthier and shinier. However, this is not true.

The Truth: Do you know that brushing your hair too much can cause breakage and damage, especially if you're using a brush with metal or plastic bristles?

You are to brush your hair gently and only when necessary to prevent tangles and knots. Use a wide-tooth comb or a soft-bristled brush to minimize damage.

Myth 2: Trimming your hair frequently makes it grow faster

Do you belong to the category of people that think trimming their hair frequently will make it grow faster? What was your experience like when you first tried it?

The Truth: Trimming your hair doesn't affect hair growth rate.

What trimming does is prevent split ends and breakage, making your hair appear healthier and longer.

Regular trims can also help protect your mane from splitting and breaking off, which can make it appear like your hair is growing faster. 

Myth 3: Shaving hair makes it grow back thicker

I'm sure you've heard of these myths before and like I said earlier once upon a time you and I thought they were true?

Many people believe that shaving their hair makes it grow back thicker and faster. However, this is not true.

The Truth: Hair thickness is determined by genetics, and shaving does not affect hair follicles.

When hair grows back after shaving, it may appear thicker due to the cut ends being more noticeable, but it's not actually thicker. 

Myth 4: Plucking gray hair makes more grow in its place

Someone actually thought that restraining themselves from plucking their gray hairs will ensure that more doesn't grow in its place.

Well, hope that isn't you?

Some people believe that plucking gray hair will make more grow in its place. 

The Truth: Gray hair is a natural part of aging, and plucking it does not cause more to grow in its place. In fact, plucking can damage the hair follicle, leading to hair loss.

Myth 5: Washing your hair frequently makes it stronger.

How many doses of shampoos have you given to your hair all in the name of making it stronger? Many people believe that washing their hair frequently will make it stronger and healthier.

However, this is not the case.

The Truth: Over-washing can strip hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and damage. Instead, wash your hair only when necessary, and use a gentle shampoo that suits your hair type.

Myth 6: Using heat styling tools daily doesn't cause damage to the hair

Imagine the troubles you've put your hair through all in the name of using heat styling tools.

There are those that believe using hot tools like flat irons and curling irons daily doesn't cause damage.

The Truth: Excessive heat styling can cause damage, dryness, and breakage.

Use heat tools in moderation and with a heat protectant spray to minimize damage. 

Myth 7: Cutting your hair in a particular way can change its texture or curl pattern

How many times have you had to cut your locks in a particular format because you felt that it could improve its texture for the better?

There are those that believe cutting their hair in a particular way can change its texture or curl pattern.

The Truth: Hair texture and curl pattern are determined by genetics, and cutting your hair does not alter these characteristics. 

Myth 8: Using the same shampoo and conditioner forever is best

How long will you continue using that particular shampoo on your mane because you heard that using the same conditioner forever is the best?

Many people believe that using the same shampoo and conditioner forever is the best way to care for their hair.

However, this is not true.

The Truth: Hair needs change over time, and using the same products forever can lead to build-up and ineffective cleaning.

As you age, your hair will begin to react differently to some of the shampoos you apply. That's why you must adjust your hair care routine as needed to suit your hair type and needs.

Myth 9: Air drying is always better than blow drying

Do you know that both air drying and blow drying have their advantages and disadvantages? Some people believe that air drying is always better than blow drying. This is just another myth.

The Truth: Both air drying and blow drying have their advantages and disadvantages.

Air drying can cause damage from excessive moisture, while blow drying can cause damage from heat.

Use a microfiber towel or an old t-shirt to blot out excess moisture, and avoid rubbing your hair with a regular towel.

By understanding these hair care myths and how to refute them, you can take better care of your hair and achieve healthier, shinier locks.

Remember to always consult credible sources and hair care professionals for accurate information and personalized advice concerning your hair health.

Don't let hair care myths hold you back any longer.

With this newfound knowledge, you're ready to take the first step to gorgeous, healthy hair that's all yours. Be proud of your hair's unique beauty and rock it with confidence today!

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